Saturday, March 21, 2009

Be still, my heart

Wow...I am such a dork. I just returned from the "Nerd Night Special" release of Twilight on DVD. There were waaaay too many little kids at Walmart, considering it was midnight.
Now the dilemma: I just paid $17 for the single-disc DVD, but I see you can get the special edition 2-disc on for .97 more! I am torn because I don't feel like waiting 2 weeks for "Site to Store" delivery...I want to go watch it NOW. *sigh* Oh well, I own 3 different versions of "Rocky Horror Picture Show", so what's the difference? ☺
Happy (extremely early) Saturday, everyone!!
ps...All of my chenille animals sold within a day of listing! WOOT!!


mamahasspoken said...

WOO HOO too many good things in this post!!! Congrads on selling your pipe cleaner animals, that's great!!
3 versions of the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Didn't know there were that many, some day I'll have to tell you the story about the first time I saw it in a movie theater and was sold as a virgin...
Not much into Twilight, is it anything like Buffy? But to what to do, get both :)!!! One for every day viewing and the other for 'special' events ;oP said...

I loved the books, hated the movie, but now after waiting a while, I want to watch it again. Oh fickle heart!

bunzi said...

wow awesmoe news. :) haven't watched twlight.

Jenny S said...

Yay! Congrats on the sales, I knew they wouldn't stick around long! :) xo