Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy x ☺☺☺ (part 3)

My mind is in a much better place this past week... possibly due to the face that my MIL hasn't talked to me since Sunday. LOL But seriously, thanks for all of your kind thoughts and prayers. You will never know how much that has really lifted my spirits!

By request, I will share with you a photo of the great dolls I had the inexplicable luck in purchasing during the last Black Apple update. Don't worry, I will not be a "Greedy Gus"... although I would love to have a Sophie someday, I will not be attempting to get another doll for some time. But I am sure I will be tempted at the next update...grrr!
Here they are, taking advantage of the antique chair that I recently recovered the seat. Looking at them makes me so happy. I didn't expect the Sleepy Sam to be sooo much bigger than the little doll!
And I received the VERY special Christmas present that I pre-ordered way back at the beginning of August! Here is Dance Time Brobee, still hiding away in the Toys R Us box. I want to push his button SOOOOOOO bad, but I must not...
I found some Yo Gabba shirts and sweatshirts at Wal-Mart today. Yippee! Those will help in making the girls into their favorite characters (Toodee and Brobee) for Halloween. Speaking of Halloween, two of my favorite soft-sculpting artists sent out emails today of their impending updates! These fine ladies would be Jennifer Murphy and Jenn Docherty . How I covet their cute little works of art! Check them out.
Tonight I will make a rack'o'ribs for the first time ever. Not sure why I haven't made them before, but I received some in a meat parcel I what the heck! I rubbed them down with a mixture of salt, sugar, paprika, and a little cajun seasoning and steak seasoning. I plan to cook them low and slow in the oven for 2 1/2 hours or so, turning up the heat and putting barbeque sauce on during the last 30 minutes or so. We shall see how they turn out!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! My husband will be working on replacing the living room windows, and I would like to get started on a few crafty ventures!


Laurie said...

Yummy! I think your ribs are going to turn out great!

Also, keep us posted on how your kidlets like the Brobee. I'll be interested in hearing!

bunzi said...

yay. yes sleepy sam is quite big! i'm glad you are feeling better. and the ribs sound great!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your week has been better than last week!

58 Cherries said...

Wow - that Sam doll is huge. The Sophie dolls are very cute - I love the velvet dresses. I'll be making my own soon as I doubt I'd ever have the luck of buying one.

The ribs sound good - haven't had any in quite a long time. Yum. And the less heard from MIL's the better. ;)

Karin said...

glad you're feeling better.. love your purchases! :)